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6 reasons why a cosmetic surgeon may say NO

Cosmetic surgery is an excellent way to enhance your appearance in line with your personal aesthetic goals. In 2020, more than 15 million cosmetic procedures were completed in the United States alone. As safety and technology have improved dramatically, more and more patients are finding plastic surgery to be a viable option. But before you go ahead and start looking for the right surgeon, it is important to keep in mind that not everyone may benefit from this kind of treatment. 

This article highlights a few circumstances under which your Texas plastic surgeon might say no. 

Poor physical and mental health 

Conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or other severe medical conditions could compromise your safety. A reputable surgeon will carefully examine each patient’s medical history before agreeing to operate on them. If you have one of these medical conditions, elective surgery is probably not worth the risk.

Wrong reasons for having cosmetic surgery  

Plastic surgeons will typically refuse to operate on you if you are having the surgery for the wrong reasons. Dr. Wu emphasizes that plastic surgery is a highly individual decision. For this reason, she requires that patients ensure they are seeking this treatment because they want it themselves, not because they are being pressured by someone else. This is important given that surgery is a serious undertaking that also comes with certain risks. It simply doesn’t make sense to go through all this in order to please a spouse or partner. Your decision needs to be influenced by your own mindset and desire to look and feel more confident in your own skin. 

Unrealistic expectations

Plastic surgery can do a lot, but it’s all the same, not a magic bullet. Reputable plastic surgeons want to accomplish what their patients want them to do while ensuring your safety and that your results look natural. The surgeon will explain what a procedure can or cannot accomplish and help you understand what your body may look like after the procedure.

Could benefit from simpler solutions

Sometimes, plastic surgeons will refuse to perform invasive cosmetic procedures if they think you may be able to benefit from relatively simple interventions. For instance, if you have a small amount of excess skin in the abdominal area, the surgeon may recommend that you try lifestyle changes such as dieting and exercising before turning to plastic surgery. Similarly, individuals with minor facial imperfections may be asked to try non-invasive procedure options in place of invasive surgical treatments such as a facelift.

Not willing to follow instructions

Plastic surgeons require that you follow instructions in order to ensure that your body is ready to handle the surgery. To start with, you may be asked to quit smoking at least a few weeks before the date of the surgery. If you are not willing to follow this requirement, then the surgeon may outrightly refuse to operate on you. You may also be asked to quit taking certain medications and herbal supplements that could increase the risk of excessive bleeding. 

Too young or too old

Sometimes, the patient’s age is also important when establishing suitability for specific plastic surgeries. Surgeons may refuse to operate on individuals below a specific age (depending on the precise treatment). This is the case with breast implants where the FDA recommends a minimum age of 18 years for saline implants and 22 years for silicone implants. Some procedures may be too unsafe for individuals who are much older. It all depends on your unique circumstances and the treatment that you’re looking to have. 


Suitability for plastic surgery will vary from one patient to the other based on the factors above (and many others). Get in touch with Dr. Wu’s The Woodlands office to learn more and schedule an initial consultation visit.