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Financing Info

Revel You is committed to ensuring that cosmetic treatments and surgeries are accessible to everyone. You deserve the opportunity to improve your cosmetic, physical, and mental health. However, we completely understand that some of our beauties may struggle while paying for cosmetic surgeries and treatments. We actively identify suitable third-party financing options with minimal interests to lower your out-of-pocket financial burden.

PatientFi is one of the most reliable third-party financing options for patients considering cosmetic treatments. You can get pre-qualified for PatientFi without affecting your credit. This allows you to finance the full cost of your treatment and add more procedures whenever you want. Our patients love PatientFi because of its flexibility and quick approval process.

Other Financing Options

First Time Patient Info

Welcome to Revel You! If you’re a first-time patient, you may have some questions about the next steps. Below, we provide a step-by-step overview of your cosmetic journey with us.

Step 1: Free Phone Consultation
You can schedule a free 10-minute phone consultation with one of our knowledgeable surgical consultants. They’ll answer all your questions and concerns to help you determine if you should proceed with a consultation with Dr. Wu.

Step 2: Consultation with Dr. Wu
You can meet Dr. Wu over a video call or in-person for your consultation. Dr. Wu will listen to your concerns, discuss your beauty goals, and recommend the ideal surgeries and treatment plans.

Step 3: Prepare for Your Surgery
After scheduling your surgery, Dr. Wu and her team will help you prepare for the exciting day! Dr. Wu provides a wide range of preparation guidelines to ensure you have a successful surgery with brilliant results.

Step 4: The Surgery
On the day of your surgery, you simply have to show up to receive the “gift of Wu”!

Step 5: Revel in Your Truest Self!
Dr. Wu will accompany you through every stage of your recovery with regular follow-ups, either in person or over videos. Before you know it, you’ll revel in your truest and most beautiful self!